Monday, May 17, 2010

Letting Go of Instutional Nostalgia

Outgoing Moderator of our General Assembly Bruce Reyes-Chow blogged about changes in the church and challenged us to let go of institutional nostalgia. His blog is here.

I'm not sure I know how to let go of those structures -- although we often disagree with them, they do the biblical work mandated by the Bible.

I was going to repost his whole blog, but think I'll just let you go to the link above. What do you think of that?

1 comment:

Reyes-Chow said...

Walk - thank for the link love! I the "how do we do this" is the next step. How do let go enough to know what about where we have been needs to stay. I am just not certain that we do a very good job of parsing out when we are right in the middle of it all. So . . . it is up to US - and the breadth of who "us" may be - to start figuring it out in real life. - Bruce