The men of the church gathered today, as we do on the 2nd Saturday, at Fire Mountain Restaurant. The next meeting is July 14 at 8am.
Jack Rowles gave a meaningful devotion, reading from a book of Servicemen's Prayers. Here is one of the devotions I found most meaningful:
Facing Combat
Almighty God, I go forth into battle, not because it is my wish, but because it is my duty. Be thou with me every step of the way. Help me to be at my best-- cautious, alert, adequate. Turn my fear into courage so I may serve my country well. Use me to advance causes which have eternal worth.
Lord, I realize that life is fragile and full of risks and that I stand today in the midst of special danger; but thou knowest, 0 God of all mankind, that I trust thee. In this moment of truth, be thou my shield. If it be thy will, may I come through the battle safely; but whatever the results, know this, 0 Lord -my faith looks up to thee. In Jesus' name. Amen.
1 comment:
I hope the week at Montreat is safe and fun-filled as well as being Spiritually uplifting.
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