Friday, October 2, 2009

Church History in 4 minutes

UPDATE: the person who produced the video below commented on it. Thank you Janet. When she gives me a link I'll give her better attribution.

Although this look at 20 centuries of church history shorts the last 500 years, as do many history classes, it is a good one. Enjoy.


Janet said...

Thanks for the repost!... I made this video as a gift for our senior pastor after he finished a 21 week sermon series on church history (1 century per week), so the topics reflect what he focused on.

And yes, the last 500 years are probably shorted by the format -- I found it amazing to watch history speed up as I worked on this...

Glad you enjoyed it!

Walk said...

Thank you, Janet. I'm happy to give you credit for the video. Write me or post another comment with your web site and I'll link it.

Janet said...

Thanks much -- Here's the video on my blog:

And here it is on YouTube: