Saturday, August 28, 2010

"Fake Christian Young People"

Sunday I quoted extensively from a piece on CNN online. I don't think there is video of it, but if a reader has a link, please share in in the comments.

The article is "More teens becoming 'fake' Christians" on and is found here.

place holder

Monday, August 9, 2010

word cloud of yesterday's sermon

Wordle: sermon on faith (Hebrews 11)

click on the word cloud to be taken to a bigger image on wordle's web site. I give them credit for the program and project.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

On Faith

Sunday, Aug 8, I will be preaching on faith.

Brian McLaren had an interesting take on Anne Rice's announcement she is leaving the Christian Church is his own blog. His thoughts are here.

I'm also intrigued by the book Called to be Human by Michael Jinkins, the new president of Louisville Seminary. He has a lot to say about faith and being human as the purpose of Christianity. I will probably quote him Sunday. A like to the book is here. I'm looking forward to getting to know Michael once he moves to Louisville in September and I go to Board meetings with him.

I will add a few more thoughts as Sunday approaches.