Monday, March 30, 2009

pics from last night's youth fundraiser

Photos by Rachel Muller. (Thank you, Rachel, it was too much for me to try to cook, clean, and take pictures.)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

From the Louisville Seminary news department and FYI

March 6, 2009

LPTS Angel-Expert Interviewed on Louisville’s NPR Station

Susan R. Garrett, Professor of New Testament at Louisville Seminary, was interviewed recently on public radio, WFPL, concerning her book, No Ordinary Angel: Celestial Spirits and Christian Claims about Jesus (Yale University Press, 2008).

You can listen to the interview at:

(the interview begins at the 12:32 mark in the archived file).

Also, you are invited to read David Crumm’s interview with Dr. Garrett: Crumm is editor of the popular Read the Spirit website.

No Ordinary Angel is available at the LPTS bookstore and also at and other major online and retail booksellers.