This high-energy group from South Africa will be at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Pensacola on Friday, July 18 at 7:00 p.m. and
A blog by Rev. Walk Jones, the former pastor of Northminster Presbyterian Church in Pensacola.
Fun In Faith
Sunday School Lesson
by Carl Merrill
While Moses was on the mountain God told Moses to tell the Israelites to make an offering to me, each one as his heart desires of gold, silver, and bronze, blue and purple yarn and fine linen, goat hair and ram skins dyed red and wood. Olive oil for the light; spices for the anointing oil and for the incense; onyx stones and other gems to be mounted on the ephod and breastpiece. He gave him the plans for the Tabernacle and its furnishings including the Ark of the Covenant.
God told Moses to set Aaron and his sons apart so they may serve me as priests. Make sacred garments for your brother Aaron to give him dignity and honor. They are to make an ephod, a robe, a breastpiece, a woven tunic, a turban and a sash.
Moses came down the mountain and gave the plans to men of wisdom to build and design what God had required.
Aaron presented with Robe. Ephod, Breastpiece fastened to ephod, turban. Describe each item as it is placed. Ex 28:1-43
Linen undergarments were made for Aaron and other priests along with sashes, tunics and headbands Ex 28:42-43
Robe: Tassles with bells and pomegranate seeds so other priests would know that Hight priest is still alive in the Holy of Holies. Ex 28:24-35
Ephod: 2 stones,. 1 on each shoulder each representing 6 tribes of Israel. Ex 28:6-14
Breastpiece:12 gems representing the 12 tribes. The Urim and Thummin for divining God's will. Aaron will always bear the means of making decisions for the Israelites over his heart before the Lord. Ex 28:15-30
Turban: Inscribed on a plate attached to the turban is “Holy to the LORD” Ex 28:36-38
Consecration: In silence as Moses puts garments on Aaron and anoints him with oil
1. Size of half a football field
2. Horned altar was in outer part with basin
3. Inside Holy place were the table of show bread, lampstand and altar of incense Ex 40:3-5
4. Holy Of Holies contained the Ark of the Covenant
1. Basin of water outside Holy place to wash hands Ex 2\30:17-21
2. Horned altar for burnt offerings – outside of Holy place in center of court. Ex 27:1-8
3. Manorah had 7 lights this design eventually led to what the 9 candled one used in Chaunakah. - Lit morning and evening Ex 25:31-40
4. Table of Show bread – would have bread on the table continuously replaced every Sabbath day Ex 25:23-30, Lev 24:5-12
5. Altar of incense – burn incense twice a day (once in morning and once in evening). Once a year blood is put on the the horns of the altar (day of atonement) before entering Holy of Holies Ex 30:1-9
1. The following items were eventually placed in the Ark also refer erred to as the Ark of Testimony
1. Tablets of Law Ex 25:21:22
2. Aaron's Staff Num 17:1-11
3. Omer of manna Ex 16:32-34
1. Sin offering – Mandatory atonement for specific sin and forgiveness of sin Lev 4:1-5:13
2. Burnt Offering – Voluntary act of worship for as atonement for unintentional sin in general and expression of devotion and commitment to God Lev 1:1-17
3. Grain Offering – Voluntary act of worship which recognizes God's goodness and provision Lev 2:1-16
4. Fellowship Offering – Voluntary act of worship thanksgiving and fellowship Lev 3:1-17
5. Guilt offering – Mandatory atonement for unintentional sin requiring restitution Lev 5:14-6:7
1. Only High priest would go once into holy of holies (Day of Atonement)
1. Day Of Atonement Lev 16:1-3, Lev 16:3-19
1. Washes hands
2. Blood of sin offering of bull
3. Two goats are brought forward and one is chosen to sacrifice the other is the scapegoat.
4. Aaron makes his own sin offering.
5. Burn incense on the altar making so much smoke that the atonement cover of ark is covered.
6. He then enters Holy of Holies and sprinkles blood on the atonement cover and in front of it
7. He will come out and place the blood on the horns of the altar.
8. After he is done he will bring forward the live goat and lay both hands on the head and confess over it all the wickedness and sin of the Israelites. The goat is then sent out into the desert carrying all their sins.
9. Aaron than takes off the Holy garments and washes once more putting on his regular priestly garments.
2. Death came to those that improperly worshiped
1. Improper burning of incense Lev 10:1-7
2. Possibility of high priest dying and need for bells and seeds on robe
3. Later cases of improper touching of Ark (Ark is captured and returned 1 Sam 5:1-7:1) (Ark is touched 2 Sam 6:6-7)
4. Separation of women from inner court at sometime in history of Israel
1. Mat, Mark, Luke mentioned each gospel at Christ's death Mat 27:50-51. Mark 15:37-38, Luke 23:44-46
1. Hebrews 10:19-22 – No longer need continued cleansing by blood and water but just the blood of the Lamb