A blog by Rev. Walk Jones, the former pastor of Northminster Presbyterian Church in Pensacola.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Remember -- One Service July 1
On Sunday, July First, there is one worship at 11:00am; it follows Sunday School at 9:40am. There is a congregational meeting after that one service.
Northminster is located at 1100 E. Nine Mile Road in Pensacola, FL.
Northminster is located at 1100 E. Nine Mile Road in Pensacola, FL.
Presbytery Float Trip
Monday, June 25, 2007
A Marvelous Weekend

Fun and Faith Days were fantastic! So many members stepped up as leaders. They sewed costumes, made sets, wrote the play, taught art and music, and much, much more. Men and women stepped up as Tribal Leaders for our groups. I am profoundly greatful to all who made Fun and Faith Days a great education and worship event for the church.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Heifer International

A woman in Guatemala with her Heifer provided goat, which she keeps in a zero grazing pen. She brings fodder to the goat so it gives lots of good milk without roaming and destroying the fragile ecosystem.
Photo Credit: Matt Bradley
Copyright: Heifer International
We are raising money to give a goat and a sheep to hungry families so they may feed themselves. Please click below to see the Heifer web site to learn more. Northminster will be receiving gifts to Heiffer for the rest of the summer, or you may click on the links and give directly to their organization. http://www.heifer.org/
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
ECUA Easement

The Emerald Coast Utilities Authority wants Northminster to sell them a 30 foot right-of-way under its driveways and sell a temporary 20 foot right of way along its front yard. The temporary right of way is for construction. The picture above is a scan of the proposed easements, to enlarge the picture, please click it. This document, and others are posted on the church bulletin board.
ECUA has a lot of information about the new sewer system plan on their web site, please click here.
Northminster's Administration Committee has studied this in depth. Roger Silverthorne of the committee (and Lamar Wasdin)met with the representative of ECUA. The Admin committee recommended that Session approve this. Session does and has called a congregational meeting for Sunday July 1 following the 11 o'clock worship service to deal with this and to elect an elder nominating committee.
Monday, June 18, 2007
New Playground
Fun and Faith 2007

Northminster's annual VBS-like, intergenerational weekend is coming June 22-24. We'll meet at 6pm on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. On Sunday morning we'll meet from 9:30 to noon, with a big group photo shot at 10:45 on Sunday at the entrance to the church. EVERYONE IS WELCOME!
There is no worship at 8:30 this week.
This is a great opportunity for folks who have not been to Northminster to visit with lots of guests, visitors, and a fun atmosphere.
I'm pictured here with Sara, our summer intern in 2005. Oh no, my beard was darker two summers ago.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Youth in Montreat (at Biltmore Mansion)
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Synod of South Atlantic
Last week I attended a meeting of the Synod of South Atlantic as a commissioner from our presbytery. Lots of details about synod can be found by clicking here.
Synod consists of the presbyteries in South Carolina, Florida, and Georgia and is an important middle governing body between presbyteries and the General Assembly. Many ministries and institutions in the Southeast are linked to the denomination through our synod. Here's a link to the eighteen institutions. This meeting adopted a new synod structure, streamlining the process, eliminating Synod Council, and linking synod closer to presbyteries and congregations by electing commissioners for 4-year terms. Our Presbyery of Florida will benefit since each of the sixteen presbyteries will have only two commissioners.
The most interesting part of the meeting was the seminar led by Rev. Mark Tammen of the Office of General Assembly in Louisville regarding a streamlining of the form of government of the denomination.
The current Book of Order of our denomination was created at reunion in the 1980s. (When the northern and southern streams reunited after the split of the Civil War.) The current book of order is longer than either the old Northern or Southern books. Many feel it needs to be rewritten and streamlined. Details of this process can be found here. I encourage you to look at this. In August or September I may lead any interested members in a discussion of the proposed changes.
Mark Tammen said repeatedly that this is a non-partisan attempt to edit and refine the form of government, not an attempt to trick the church or change standards. Some proof that it is non-partisan is that drafts of the proposal are posted at the link above for anyone to read. They have asked for comments. I encourage you to read the drafts and make comments -- after a study, I may ask Northminster's Session to officially comment.
Finally, The Synod approved a resolution against terrorism and in favor of American soldiers and our allies. It reads:
A Resolution
Of the Synod of South Atlantic
At its Fifteenth Stated Meting
At Agnes Scott College
June 8, 2007
Whereas the PC(U.S.A.) works for Peace of God for all the people of the world; and
Whereas the Synod of South Atlantic deplores terrorism in any form promoting political or religious purposes;
and Whereas, the Synod of South Atlantic supports the collective fight against terrorism by the free nations of the world;
Now therefore be it resolved that the Synod of South Atlantic calls all of its constituent congregations to pray for the quick resolution of the war against terror; to pray for the safety of our troops and the troops of the free world who are fighting the war on terrorism; and we beg God to change the hearts of the terrorists to peaceful paths, and to bring them to the table of peace to air their grievances and to stop the violence.
Synod consists of the presbyteries in South Carolina, Florida, and Georgia and is an important middle governing body between presbyteries and the General Assembly. Many ministries and institutions in the Southeast are linked to the denomination through our synod. Here's a link to the eighteen institutions. This meeting adopted a new synod structure, streamlining the process, eliminating Synod Council, and linking synod closer to presbyteries and congregations by electing commissioners for 4-year terms. Our Presbyery of Florida will benefit since each of the sixteen presbyteries will have only two commissioners.
The most interesting part of the meeting was the seminar led by Rev. Mark Tammen of the Office of General Assembly in Louisville regarding a streamlining of the form of government of the denomination.
The current Book of Order of our denomination was created at reunion in the 1980s. (When the northern and southern streams reunited after the split of the Civil War.) The current book of order is longer than either the old Northern or Southern books. Many feel it needs to be rewritten and streamlined. Details of this process can be found here. I encourage you to look at this. In August or September I may lead any interested members in a discussion of the proposed changes.
Mark Tammen said repeatedly that this is a non-partisan attempt to edit and refine the form of government, not an attempt to trick the church or change standards. Some proof that it is non-partisan is that drafts of the proposal are posted at the link above for anyone to read. They have asked for comments. I encourage you to read the drafts and make comments -- after a study, I may ask Northminster's Session to officially comment.
Finally, The Synod approved a resolution against terrorism and in favor of American soldiers and our allies. It reads:
A Resolution
Of the Synod of South Atlantic
At its Fifteenth Stated Meting
At Agnes Scott College
June 8, 2007
Whereas the PC(U.S.A.) works for Peace of God for all the people of the world; and
Whereas the Synod of South Atlantic deplores terrorism in any form promoting political or religious purposes;
and Whereas, the Synod of South Atlantic supports the collective fight against terrorism by the free nations of the world;
Now therefore be it resolved that the Synod of South Atlantic calls all of its constituent congregations to pray for the quick resolution of the war against terror; to pray for the safety of our troops and the troops of the free world who are fighting the war on terrorism; and we beg God to change the hearts of the terrorists to peaceful paths, and to bring them to the table of peace to air their grievances and to stop the violence.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
The youth of the church went to Montreat Saturday.
From what little I've heard, it was a good trip up and they are having a good time at the retreat. I've talked to one of my three children only once, and the report was good. I hope they will share more upon their return, either in worship or through a blog entry or some other media.
Men's Breakfast
The men of the church gathered today, as we do on the 2nd Saturday, at Fire Mountain Restaurant. The next meeting is July 14 at 8am.
Jack Rowles gave a meaningful devotion, reading from a book of Servicemen's Prayers. Here is one of the devotions I found most meaningful:
Facing Combat
Almighty God, I go forth into battle, not because it is my wish, but because it is my duty. Be thou with me every step of the way. Help me to be at my best-- cautious, alert, adequate. Turn my fear into courage so I may serve my country well. Use me to advance causes which have eternal worth.
Lord, I realize that life is fragile and full of risks and that I stand today in the midst of special danger; but thou knowest, 0 God of all mankind, that I trust thee. In this moment of truth, be thou my shield. If it be thy will, may I come through the battle safely; but whatever the results, know this, 0 Lord -my faith looks up to thee. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Friday, June 1, 2007
A Surprise Visitor
On Pentecost Sunday I stood to preach at eleven o’clock and their was an audible buzz around the sanctuary. Several people looked at the choir, pointed, and talked to seatmates. In the split-second I had to consider their rudeness, I could not imagine what was going on.
I knew that I was in the right place in the service, nothing had been skipped, I was prepared to preach and I was dressed appropriately. If I weren’t, I was hidden behind the pulpit and wearing a long robe – yes, my nightmare is to appear in public without all my clothes.
Why were people whispering as I began to preach on the Holy Spirit?
I’ve trained myself to ignore distractions among the congregation during worship, so I ploughed ahead. I was only slightly distracted in the middle of the sermon as someone walked to the back to make sure his friend saw the sight everyone else had noticed.
What the choir and I could not see, during this sermon on the Holy Spirit’s power at Pentecost, were the two doves who landed on the big, round window behind me and the choir.
I learned after worship that a dove perched on the window during the middle of “Wind that Makes All Winds to Blow” and watched me and the congregation for the rest of the service. If only we had been singing that other Spirit song, “The Lone, Wild Bird.”
So there was a dove, then two doves -- symbols of the Holy Spirit -- patiently watching the congregation over my shoulder during the sermon. And I was oblivious to it all. No, I was annoyed by the church’s reaction to the birds and my ignorance.
There are several lessons we could take from this experience.
1) Like these birds, God’s spirit is surprising, beautiful, unexpected and real.
2) The Spirit defies human description.
3) Not everyone saw the doves: some members can not see that far, some never looked, others (including the preacher and worship leaders) faced the wrong way.
4) When the church is abuzz, I should stop and ask why.
5) When one misses a Sunday at Northminster, one misses a lot.
God is amazing! Birds never perch on that windowsill. Occasionally squirrels or birds peer in from the oak tree. Yet there were two symbols of God’s Spirit watching over my shoulder. It was a humbling Sunday, and one that taught me at least five lessons.
This was origionally published in the newsletter of Northminster Presbyterian Church in Pensacola. The web site is here.
Holy Spirit,
Surprise Visitor
Mobile Blogging
this is my first mobile blog. :-D
I have enabled this feature because of the 'H-word.' I see this blog being a way for church members to communicate in case of storms, evacuations, etc. If folks are away, they can check this for updates. If there is no power here, mobile blogging is a way for me to update this when there is no power.
Now I'm also wondering if I can post pictures to this blog from my phone when I'm on the mission trip in Mexico.
Finally, later today I'll post information about the visitors in church last Sunday.
I have enabled this feature because of the 'H-word.' I see this blog being a way for church members to communicate in case of storms, evacuations, etc. If folks are away, they can check this for updates. If there is no power here, mobile blogging is a way for me to update this when there is no power.
Now I'm also wondering if I can post pictures to this blog from my phone when I'm on the mission trip in Mexico.
Finally, later today I'll post information about the visitors in church last Sunday.
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