Sunday, May 27, 2007

Anyone want to comment on the visitors during the eleven o'clock worship service? I will have more to say about it next week, but I wanted to see if anyone who was there today wants to share their imporessions. Please click on the 'comments' box below. You should not have to register to share an opinion.

Much more about this will follow. The identities of the visitors will be revealed in my June newsletter article, which will be posted here as soon as it goes into mailboxes. (in 5 days)

Friday, May 25, 2007

Pentecost and Memorial Day

It is quite a juxtaposition, these two holidays on one weekend.

Pentecost, celebrates the firey-red birthday of the Church in the Bible's 2nd chapter of Acts. The Holy Spirit came to the church with a miracle of understanding and community.

Memorial Day is an opportunity to decorate the graves of fallen heroes. It is a time to remember the sacrifice -- in peacetime and war -- of brave men and women. None wanted to die for their country, but they did. The church remembers the nation's fallen heroes.

There must be a connection between the clarity, understanding, and community experienced by the very early church in Jerusalem and the need for the same in the church and the world today. I will pray for a Pentecost spirit for Northminster, the nation, and the world.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Diana Bell -- our preacher June 3

Diana is pictured here at our 2005 Fun and Faith VBS experience. She's pictured with me and my full beard. I'm growing the beard again for the upcoming F&F, but this post is about Diana, not me.

Diana is about to start her 3rd year at Untion Theological Seminary in New York. She has been a member of Northminster since 2001. For two years she worked in Tallahassee, but remained a member of Northminster. Some of our folks do not know her. Later I'll try to post a link to the seminary web site here. It is an easy address:

I'm looking forward to her sermon on The Trinity and to letting her share more of herself with Northminster.

Candidates for Ministry

Next Sunday, June 3, one of the three members of Northminster who are studying to become ministers will preach here.

Here is a picture of Myong Kim and Mike Woods, members of our church who attend Columbia Seminary. Mike has graduated, and his wife Myong, has two more years of study.

Please pray for these three and the future leaders of our denomination.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Relay for Life

We had a great time last evening. I hope to post more pictures soon.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

I continue to be very impressed with Brian McLauren: the way he thinks, leads, writes, etc. Several of Northminster's small groups have read his books. I hope others will.

This is his home page.

and a link to the tour and his new book on hope.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Prime Timers

This is part of the group who went to Mobile for the Pompeii exhibit on May 3. Many Thanks to Sam Smith, Jr. who brought his camera, and for his sharing the pictures with me for the blog.

Friday, May 4, 2007

The Prime Timers had a fantastic trip to Mobile yesterday. The picture to the left is from the museum's web site. It is a plaster cast made of the cavity in the ash left by a human being who died at Pompeii in AD 71!

I highly recommend the exhibit. Information may be found by clicking here.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Prayer Group

Northminster's faithful prayer group meets every Tuesday at 9:30 am to pray for members and their concerns. The group appreciated the four prayer cards they received today from Sunday's service. This was the first week we asked for prayer cards. It was a great idea of the Outreach committee's

I appreciate the prayer group very much. I also love the new prayer cards.

Everyone is welcome at the prayer group meetings. Men and women, members and friends of the church. Please join them each Tuesday at 9:30. Once a quarter they go to Baptist Hospital to pray for our prayer list and the patients in the hospital. This is a new program of the Chaplain's Office at Baptist.

In the picture above Estelle is surrounded by her friends Sina (left), Barbara (top) and Sharon (right). This was Estelle's first week back at the prayer group this year. We celebrate her continuing recovery.